Join the tribe


As an exciting startup we promise to always:

Interesting challenges that will interest you and help you grow.
The freedom
The freedom and support to tackle those challenges.
Match challenges to your skillset, interests, and capabilities.
Recognition for your success not just amongst the team but amongst the industry as well.

Join the Team

Do you have a passion for social games and would love to join our tribe? Please send over your resume and cover letter to we are always on the look out for talent!

Work Life at Adventure

We will try our best to provide the following work life environment:
work life balance
No timestamps, you have the freedom to choose your own times just don’t miss any meetings you are booked in
Minimize unnecessarily long meetings and disruptions during working hours - studies have shown people zone out during meetings over 30 minutes and need at least 2 hours of undisrupted time for productivity and keep up the mental momentum
Flat communication hierarchy - reach out to anyone across departments if you need their support, however keep disruptions to a minimum (use Slack status to see if they are busy or available)
Expect a casual but ambitious environment, everyone on the team wants to make a name for themselves
Good mood
Laugh in the face of adversity, sometimes the best way to react to failure and obstacles is to just laugh
Be upfront and communicate directly when you are not satisfied or if there is conflict, bottling up never does any good and things just get more awkward
No timestamps, you have the freedom to choose your own times just don’t miss any meetings you are booked in
Be upfront and communicate directly when you are not satisfied or there is conflict, bottling up never does any good and things just get more awkward
Expect a casual but ambitious environment, everyone on the team wants to make a name for themselves
Good mood
Laugh in the face of adversity, sometimes the best way to react to failure and obstacles is to just laugh
Minimize unnecessarily long meetings and disruptions during working hours - study have shown people zone out during meetings over 30 minutes and need at least 2 hours of undisrupted time for productivity and keep up the mental momentum
Flat communication hierarchy - reach out to anyone across departments if you need their support however keep disruptions to a minimum (use Slack status to see if they are busy or available)